Aug 10, 2017
An RPG podcast? What's an RPG even?
An RPG is a role-playing game. The most famous
examples involve Lord of the Rings-ass dudes getting gems out of
caves, but at their core they are frameworks to facilitate
collaborative improvised storytelling. Like, you and your buds play
characters and act out lil make-believe scenes, and every once in a
while the game makes you roll dice to see if a character succeeds
at a thing they are trying to do.
Do I have to know about nerd stuff to get this show?
It probably helps, but no. Cast member Gwynn Fulcher
didn't have a ton of RPG experience and isn't familiar with most of
the pop culture settings we go to, but she kicks huge amounts of
butt and is hilarious anyway.
What's the plot?
In a nutshell, a giant stone god named Olmec
kidnapped three adventurers from Dungeons and Dragons world and is
making them go on adventures in other fictional universes to
prevent them from collapsing.
Where do I start listening?
Episode 1, baby. Each arc is relatively
self-contained and you could get away with only listening to one.
But the story is structured as a long-form campaign and I recommend
it be consumed that way.