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 Welcome to Shuffle Quest!

Feb 20, 2019

The sharp winds of the British north blow our heroes into a storm of obsession, rage, and despair as they travel to the world of WUTHERING HEIGHTS! Ruddy, Phia, and Omie find their way to Kestrel Court, ancestral home of the Hildebrand family, a once prosperous clan known for their prized madeira. But this is Wuthering...

Feb 13, 2019

Want to jump into Shuffle Quest but don't have time to listen to 38 episodes? Join us as we recap the events of Shuffle Quest from episode zero to episode 38. Arc six is wild as hell, so get prepared!!!


Feb 13, 2019

Riley Hopkins and Shuffle Quest return for the conclusion of our game of Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined! Mickey Mouse, Double D, V.I.C.I., and Ruddy are storming the Red Star-occupied Deep Space 9--can their friendship and teamwork win the day? Will V.I.C.I. settle her beef with her robo-rival? Will Double D...

Feb 6, 2019

Riley Hopkins (Bed Bath & Bionicle, Halcyon Station, & more) joins Shuffle Quest for a game of Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined, a delightful pop culture mash-up game inspired by the likes of Kingdom Hearts and designed by none other than Riley! Join us as Mickey Mouse, V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder, Double D from...